

  • You must have a valid Texas hunting license, and follow all game laws.
  • If you are from out of state, a Texas Hunting License will be required.
  • We can assist you in acquiring an out of state Texas Hunting License.
  • You will be required to sign any necessary release forms before being allowed to hunt.
  • Be sure to bring ample ammunition for your weapon.
  • You will be required to shoot your weapon at our range before being allowed to hunt. Your weapon may not shoot the same once you arrive here as it did when you originally sighted it in.

Hunting Rules:

  • No Loaded weapons in camp or in the lodge.
  • No Alcohol will be consumed during hunting hours.
  • No Shots at Running Game.
  • No Shots over 200 yards (without special permission from the Wildlife Biologist in advance).
  • No shots at deer unless your guide approves the deer. Guides decision in the field is final.
  • A Wounded animal counts as your kill; if you draw blood or knock an animal down it's your animal.

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